See part 1 too.
As Iraq is getting worse for civilians, many Iraqi government officials, and foreign military, Americans may have to wait for a possibly very influential report, the Baker report (chaired by US Secretary of State James Baker), which may change the White House's strategy in Iraq.
There is hope that the Bush administration is finally seeing some of the reality of the dreadful Iraq situation and changing some of its views, as the president's political capital is almost in the red. More on civilian deaths here. Here is a previous post I had on American foreign policy.
I think a great exit strategy has been outlined by George McGovern and William Polk in their new book, Out of Iraq. I read an excerpt in a Harper's Magazine article; here is a post by a blogger named "paradox" (cross-published with the Daily Kos) on the article. As another Kos post states:
As George McGovern and William R. Polk cogently argue in the October issue of Harper's (subscription only), a withdrawal of troops (to be completed at the end of 2007) would not only save American lives but tens of billions of dollars.

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