What next, you will say the Holocaust didn't happen or that humans will never evolve and have never done so? Yes, the data is a bit shady but, coming from so many different models and sources, that can be expected.
Look before you leap, learn before you form such a strong opinion. Not everyone is a scare monger (yet many who deny climate change also deny that President Bush is exploiting and scare-mongering in his metaphorical "war on terror") and the weather in the American South right now has nothing to do with the long run. There are short weather trends. Over the last few years, there has been record temperature changes, a few weeks of cool in one small area does not also change the fact that there was a multi-continential heat wave this past summer — also record high.
Relatively very few climate and like experts dispute the fact that are environment is changing in temperature due to human-originated effects.
Nonetheless, restrictions aimed at slowing down global warming are helpful anyway.
I will add links, references, and articles, as well as more on my views and the other side's points once I am finished collecting/overviewing them.
technorati tags: global+warming, climate+change, science, opinion, news, politics, usa, south, bush

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