Tuesday, 14 November 2006

British Tories take a page from the US Democrats playbook...

Transparency. Always a problem in governments, especially in this modern age of 'terrorism' and the need for Big Brother-like security, or maybe there could be more governmental accountability and technology could help?

The UK Conservative Party hopes to open a website where British citizens see how their tax dollars (rather, pounds) are being spent... or misspent ("Torygraph"——I mean Telegraph article.

There was something just like this earlier this year, the US Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 which met opposition — mostly from congressional Republicans — but ended up passing, with very little media spotlight (the bulb was practically burnt out).

From a Guardian Unlimited news blog entry...

Under a bill the Tories will introduce in the Lords, the similar-sounding "government spending transparency bill", the Treasury would be forced to maintain a website detailing every item of expenditure over £25,000.

However, it is the Conservatives we are talking about so this bill comes with one caveat:
...all spending on "national security" will be exempt from public scrutiny. In fact, the purpose of the exercise is to wheedle out more traditional Tory bêtes noires - spending on public sector salaries, ministerial travel, focus groups etc.

So is it pseudo-transparency, or wishful accountability?

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