Outcome (partial)
It looks like the Democrats have pulled off the expected win in the House of Representatives (NBC News predicted it at 10:56 PM EST) — with only the votes from the western part of the US still needing counting and calling. They have not done badly in the Senate either, which is still very close.
CNN states, as of 11:59 EST, three Senate seats, 21 House seats, and six governors so far have been gained by the Dems — with four, 96, and seven (respectively) still waiting to be called. 189 Dems, 150 GOP so far called/resulted.
See the latest calls on national, state, and local elections and voting matters in the US.
Tomorrow will come with a tirade of pundits and experts (as well as students and laypeople trying to be learnt, like me) offering their views of this election. I will offer mine too.
Tomorrow at a bit before 8 AM EST, I will post some results. Later and throughout the day, I will catch you and myself up on the latest post-election buzz.
I want to get some good sleep tonight, I woke up at 5:15 AM today (I usually wake up nearly two hours later).
Election news coverage
I think CNN has done a fine job, especially at calling, this election (BBC News was my winner for the 2004 elections). Drudge Report — which I rarely use — has also provided a good amount of tidbits on developing stories. During the election, Real Clear Politics and CQ Politics both were good on the political analysis front, Washington Post let me down, BBC News only let me doen on their charts (minute, not detailed, direct from AP), Google News should have created a mini-section for election news (in my opinion), Daily Kos was the best blog for the elections, The Huffington Post was the most Drudge-like but without the breaking news first or finding it before the rest of us, Yahoo! News provided AP and Reuters reports, MSNBC lagged behind CNN in their calling and prediction... and that's about it.
technorati tags: US+elections, midterm+elections, midterms, election, elections, united+states, politics, in+the+news, current+affairs, in+perspective, clearthought, blog, blogging, blogger, political+analysis, CNN, election+news

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