From many, many polling and analytics sources, it looks like the Democrats are set to take over the US House of Representatives with a majority anyone between the tens to the thirties. Many Senate indicators but the GOP and Dems at 50-50, if you count Independent Sen. Joe Liebermann (previously Democrat, of Connecticut) as a Democrat. The Democrats are almost certain to have a good majority over Republicans in Governor races.
I will be focusing mainly on the Senate since it is easy to track (100 seats versus the House's 400-some), bears more influence per member than the House, and is going to be really close. (I don't consider the Governor party affiliation nearly as important, for obvious reasons: many times GOP Governors act like Dems, and vice versa... the same goes for how they are elected. And there is not much of a caucus.)
technorati tags: gop, republicans, democrats, lieberman, liebermann, republican, democrat, dems, governor, house+of+representative, house, senate, congress, election, elections, us, united+states, midterm, usa, politics, news, in+the+news, current+affairs, clearthought, blogging, in+perspective, voting, poll, polls

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