Wednesday 1 November 2006

Is everyone clueless?

Especially as elections near, President Bush has been saying more and more about Democrats' being clueless on Iraq and the "war on terror" in general. Nothing new in this news:

President Bush said terrorists will win if Democrats win and impose their policies on Iraq...

But hah! Bush doesn't have a real Iraq plan [either]! This is the Democrats' chance to call his bluff only a week or so before the general elections. The truth is, no group of politicians have a real plan other than Bush and co.'s recently slightly revoked 'stay the course' (whatever that means) rhetoric. My advice to the Dems: Start responding with political ads and try to get media coverage. Stop increasing the coverage of the Kerry-insulting-the-military issue by ceasing to elevate it yourselves! He is in your own party! These are the days of negative, attack adverts, so either respond fire-with-fire to the Republicans or think of another strategy (maybe study Karl Rove?).

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Anonymous said...

Democrats need to take a stand - no doubt. But unfortunatly, there is too much playing to the center, and it results in gutless candidates that are too afraid of voicing a strong opinion. As for a plan on Iraq - seems like James Baker might be a good candidate if someone wants a coherent, feasible plan for scary is that?

Anonymous said...

What i found hilarious was that Bush was talking about gay marriage within weeks of the election. I just hope people care as little as i do about gay marriage right now. Im more concerned about people being killed rather than people being sodomized.
Im feeling impeachy right about now.