An array of moods extracted from opinion pieces (not necessarily the moods of the pieces themselves)
Glum (NYT op-ed)
Though the assembled reporters were hardly glum, conservatives of every stripe can console themselves by considering the limited scope of the Democrats’ midterm sweep.
Giddy (Brooks article)
Why am I weirdly happy? I’m a conservative. Many people I know and admire lost tonight. And yet somehow this strikes me as a good night for the country.
Rush Limbaugh pissed off/apathetic (multiple feelings expressed) at Republican losses. Apparently the raving irrational 'conservative' commentator is angry at the 'nonpartisan' and non-"conservative" Republicans. The article actually makes less sense than most of his works but it has raised some eyebrows. (By the way, that guy talks a lot [of nonsense]!)
The way I feel is this: I feel liberated, and I'm going to tell you as plainly as I can why. I no longer am going to have to carry the water for people who I don't think deserve having their water carried.
A final word from that David Brooks post:
All in all, an end to the era of base-mobilizing politics and a victory for the center (albeit with a Democratic tilt). Nancy Pelosi seems to understand this. She’s striking a bipartisan pose, not a triumphalist one. We’ll see if it lasts.

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