The New York Times reports
President Bush said today that American troops would stay in Iraq unless its government asks them to leave, using a joint news conference with the Iraqi prime minister to push back against a reported decision by an independent bipartisan panel to call for a gradual withdrawal.
Who in the Iraqi government actually wants the US in their country? Besides those who use American military as a reason and often scapegoat (excuse to citizens/constituents) for their bloody, sectarian skirmishes. The most powerful military on earth: used as an excuse for people to fight as if they were pissed four-year-olds with weapons and vendettas. Add that to the reasons the US should "stay the course", President Bush...
The Iraq Study Group (Wikipedia article) is a major topic.
The Iraq Study Group, which wrapped up eight months of deliberations yesterday, has reached a consensus and will call for a major withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq, shifting the U.S. role from combat to support and advising, according to a source familiar with the deliberations.
Though he stated he would listen and take into strong consideration the reportings of the bipartisan (which is technically accepted, but, in reality, the label of 'bipartisan' is disputed) panel advising on the situation in Iraq, Bush seems to have altogether dismissed the idea of gradual withdrawal of United States troops from Iraq.
Just a couple weeks ago:
President Bush on Monday praised a bipartisan commission on Iraq for asking him good questions but said "I'm not going to prejudge" the report the panel soon will issue.
I guess he uses the same dictionary to define "prejudge" as he does to define "torture". The Iraq Study Group, sometimes named after its co-chairs, James A. Baker III and Lee Hamilton (or just the former), will issue its final and full report on 6 December. See the independent group's website.
See this post and this post for more on Iraq, plans for withdrawal and my pick, and the Iraq Study Group.
UPDATE: Speak of the devil, the Iraq Study Group is the top-blogged thing in Slate's daily round up of blogosphere buzz and views.

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